located in Dolianova, South Sardinia island, Italy, JM49OJ, is operated by Roberto IS0GRB, e-mail is0grb@gmail.com Antenna is a 1m Dish + (modified PLL LNB & modified SDR interface for GPSDO) to 26° Est. Azimuth 155°, Elev. 41.5°, LNB (Skew) -19°
This is the 1st WebSDR actived on QO-100 on 15 January 2019 It is running on a QuadCore Linux Ubuntu Server x64, 16GB RAM, SSD Disk 500GB
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-16/10/2020 II4JOTA Jamboree On The Air Special Callsign from 16 to 18 October 2020
Active on QO-100: 10489.800 MHz
-12/12/2020 QO-100 KG-STV Mars On Earth Project Activity from 12 to 13 December 2020
-30/12/2020 IS0GRB KG-STV Life On Mars Activity Award. Thanks Baris Dinc, OH2UDS
-04/04/2021 QO-100 Contest Zone (CW and SSB). Updated band plan
-15/05/2021 QO-100 Fox Hunting Activity from 15 to 16 May 2021
Like our previous QO-100 KGSTV activity we wanted to hunt the foxes on our geostationary satellite transponder QO-100.
This time we will be at home, monitoring the QO-100 downlink frequencies.
Here is the story and procedure to be part of this activity:
Random SSB voice transmissions will be conducted on QO-100 SSB transponder portion
Transmission times will be randomized withing the given activity hours
Transmission frequencies will be random within a few frequency range
You will try to capture and record the transmissions as good and long as possible (hunt the fox)
This transmission will include a chiled’s voice recording with his/her message to space and a secret letter for this challenge
Sending these recordings and the secret word (refer to rules) to us will reward you with an award for the activity.
Activity Date & Time
15 May 2021 15:00 UTC to 17:00 UTC
16 May 2021 15:00 UTC to 17:00 UTC
The following frequency ranges will be used (randomly):
10489.670 – 10489.680 MHz
10489.700 – 10489.710 MHz
10489.770 – 10489.780 MHz
10489.810 – 10489.820 MHz
Please visit the QO-100 Fox Hunting page: https://marsonearthproject.org/fox-hunting-on-qo-100-satellite
-15/08/2021 - Invitation to 2nd anniversary of Qatar Oscar-100 India Morning Net
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Last images decoded 10489625 (KG-STV).Auto update 60s.Click on the image.See the slide bar
Last images decoded 10489615 (HS-MODEM 4410 QPSK BW:2500Hz - QO-100 Standard).Auto update 60s.Click on the image.See the slide bar
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